Tai' Chi Gung
is a series of gentle moving & breathing exercises that restore Energy/Chi in the body. We invite you to experience the Tai' Chi Gung system also known as Simple Yoga, that was created by the great Siddhi Yoga Master Boganathar, who later became known as Lao Tzu. It is a Journey into Vitality, Regeneration & Spiritual Perception. It is simple, but profound. Man complicates, God simplifies. |
Join Us For ClassNorth Shore ~ Maui
Baldwin Beach (park far right and head right, towards the cove) Cost: FREE Sunday ~ 7:30 am No class on Easter Sunday Private Studio Group Classes
in Haiku ~ Maui WED 4:30-5:30 pm please text/call for info (808) 280-6187 or email - Contact Our Instructor Leelamayi
I have always had an affinity
for Tai' Chi Gung. It focuses my mind, connects energy in my body, clears my energy field, then guides my spirit and takes me into deeper states of being that are so fulfilling. It's an inside journey. Benefits of consistently practicing reflect into one's outer world & Tai' Chi Gung has increased the quality of every aspect of my life. It truly can turn back the hands of time. It's such an honor to be teaching in this lineage that is connected with the Ancient Yogi Masters. It has changed my life forever. Join us! |
Why Tai' Chi Gung?INCREASE
Energy without Stimulants ENHANCE Your Ability to Focus & Meditate GROUND & STAY CENTERED in turbulent times SUPPORT Better Range of Motion & Flexibility IMPROVE SLEEP Wake up feeling more Refreshed ALLOW LIFE FORCE (chi) to Flow Into You REPAIR an Overstimulated Nervous System by addressing it's Root Cause FLOW PEACEFULLY through Life's Challenges JOURNEY into Vitality, Regeneration & Spiritual Perception BRING YOUR BODY into Alignment with Spirit & Nature LEARN to BALANCE where there is No Balance SOOTHE Your Nervous System a TRUE ANTIDOTE to Stress & Anxiety TURN BACK the Hands of Time & DANCE with the Tao |
Free Online CommunityMeet my wonderful teacher
Master Lama Rasaji He is the global spokesperson for the oldest Lamasery in Tibet, that is over 3300 years old. also where he lived and trained. Frequency Healing Music
by Master David Paul Each piece is an internal journey. He is a treasure house of the Divine! Master Lama Rasaji
9 minute FREE TRAINING |